North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network (NWMPHN) has partnered with GenWest and Berry Street in offering specialist family violence secondary consultations for GPs within their local catchment areas.

This pilot commences from July 1st 2024, concluding June 30th 2025.
The service will help GPs and practice nurses who observe indicators of family violence in a patient, but require further information or advice. The pilot aims to support GPs to actively seek consultations with specialist family violence services. This will build their professional capacity in responding effectively to the family violence needs of their patients identified as victim survivors and enhance their knowledge of the family violence sector and referral pathways.
Specialist family violence services play a crucial role in guiding and assisting professionals in their response to family violence, ultimately contributing to the safety and wellbeing of those patients affected.
GPs can request a secondary consultation directly with the GenWest’s Pathways to Safety Coordinator. This service is available Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm.