'Our Community, Our Voice: Lessons from the 2022 Maribyrnong Flood' makes recommendations for councils, state government and support services. The recommendations have been informed directly by the experiences of women impacted by the flooding.
The 2022 flood of the Maribyrnong River was devastating for the community of Maribyrnong in Melbourne’s west; over 500 properties were affected by flooding.
This report examines the impact of the flooding on this community, with a particular focus on the impact on women and children from migrant and refugee backgrounds.
Our Community, Our Voice tells the stories of women and their families in Maribyrnong who experienced flooding and outlines their experiences of the disaster response in 2022, as well as their attempts to recover and rebuild their lives in the aftermath.
The stories in this report show the profound need for disaster recovery, management and long-term preparation to be localised, gendered and intersectional.
We make recommendations to improve disaster planning, response and recovery in urban contexts and to ensure diverse communities are adequately prepared for the impacts of climate change and future disasters.
We are hugely grateful to the ten women who generously and courageously shared their stories with us, to help improve the lives of others in future.
The report is available in English and Vietnamese.